Monday 18 May 2015

We All Are Frustrated!!

Hello Readers!! How are you all?

From the time I entered in college, travelling in metro has become an un-skippable regular affair for me. Its takes me two hours everyday for a one-way trip. Which means fours hours of total commutation. Phew...

In every one or two days, I see people fighting or quarrelling for small issues, in the metro trains. These issues should ideally go un-noticed. But then also, people find them so important that they definitely want to quarrel about it. 

Whenever I look at such angry people, I always wonder "Do they really get so pissed off with such a small issues?"

Then one day, when I was dreaming about this same, a thought came in mind which was able to successfully answer my doubt. 

The epicenter of this anger is frustration. And the primary reason for this frustration is our busy routine.

We wake up every morning, complete our morning chores (that too in a rush) and straightaway head towards our workplace. After working like labourers we return back to our home, with a tired body and a mind filled with fatigue. And this is how we continue living our life. 

Well you might be thinking that this routine is common for every working individual. But actually, this is a big reason for the growth of frustration

Our workaholism is refraining us from the true joy of life, which comes only with satisfaction. And also in today's world, everyone is running behind their dream job. Everyone is toiling to achieve their goals and cherish the feeling of satisfaction.

But somehow, we all are not able to achieve what we wish for. As a result, we feel as if we have been captured by the shackles of defeat and life has conquered our spirits . This leads to frustration, which comes out in the form of anger and harsh words.

I was reading about how to manage work stress, stay calm and maintain serenity in our mind. I found a website which gave me some effective suggestions to cultivate calmness. You can read them here

These steps have helped me a lot and I hope you will also follow them and try to practise calmness in your life. And always remember this very common quote "Success is a Journey, not a Destination".

I will be back with my new post very soon...

Take Care

Tuesday 12 May 2015

The Wonder Woman

Hello Readers !! How are you all?

Mother's Day is one occasion when everyone gets a chance to express his/her feelings for that one woman, whose presence in our life is the biggest blessing of the almighty. 

If I try to define the word 'Mother', I will actually end up with a post of maybe countless number of pages. I am not exaggerating, I am telling the truth and I know you agree with my sentiments.

Almost everyone in this world was uploading pictures with their moms and posting statuses for their mothers. Now let me tell you how I celebrated Mother's day.

On May 10th, I was scrolling the morning newspaper when my eyes stopped at an article titled "Don't celebrate Mother's Day ", which indeed was a very curios headline.The article was about how Mother's Day was 'invented'. The lead caught my interest as it explained the real meaning of Mother's Day and how we all have been celebrating it.

After reading that article, I was amazed that how incorrectly we have been commemorating this day.

We have this habit of gifting flowers and cards to our mothers, just to tell them how much we love them. We believe that this small act will help us to show our affection towards The Wonder Woman
( for me Mother is definitely a Wonder Woman ).

But there is one more thing which we can do to make our mothers extremely happy. That one idea is far better than gifting cards and flowers.

Our mothers work 24x7, taking care of the whole family and devoting all her time for the betterment of the family.

Don't you think that on Mother's day, we can actually tell our moms to just relax and sit down with ease, without any tension or stress and her children can do all her work which she has been doing for us without uttering a single word of objection?

Don't you think that on Mother's Day we take an off from our busy routine and take care of the woman who has been taking care of us since the day we opened our eyes and saw her lovely face?

Well, this is how I celebrated Mother's Day. I made her feel comfy by doing all her work. Although I am very bad at cooking but still I tried to make some delicious food for her.

And at the end of the day, my mission was accomplished. I made my mom very happy. She blessed me and kissed me on my cheeks and said 'Thankyou my dear!' 

I am not saying that gifting cards and flowers is invalid or doesn't makes sense. But yeah, helping our mothers and taking care of her just like she does will leave a long lasting smile on her face.

I will be back with my new post very soon....

Take Care

Friday 8 May 2015

Redefining Relationships

Hello Readers!! How are you all?

This post will include what I Believe how should 

Life is journey and we all are the travellers. We have been travelling to reach a certain destination. A destination which will give us peace of mind and most importantly, satisfaction. 

During this journey, we meet many people. We exchange our thoughts and feelings with them or with just a particular person.. And if any of them is found to be matching with each other, a bond is created and we end up having a relationship with the person

This relationship can be friendship, girlfriend - boyfriend relationship, marriage, etc. 

One very important element of any relationship is Expectation. 

OH PLEASE PLEASE!! Dont close this post as I am going to write something different on this. I know you have read a lot of content about expectations, but please kindly bear with me and read further. 

We have all been listening to this one behavioral methodology that You should never expect anything in any relationship... Right?  Well let me tell you very franky... I DON'T AGREE TO THIS (I am not getting rude..just saying this boldly). 

Why I don't agree?..this is something which I have hardly shared with anyone. But today I am going to broadcast this openly.

Expectation, in spite of being a very important element, is mostly found to be missing. We have this feeling that if we expect, we will end up ruining our bonding with the person. Right?

One of my seniors at college, who is also my friend, said " If you start expecting, you are actually measuring the affection which the other person has for you. And affection can never be measured".

She has her own valid point. But my point is that I expect because I trust the person. 

If a person is very close to me...then I have 110% rights to expect from him/her. I will do so because I trust the person. Trust is something which makes a relationship true and pure.Trust can never be built in just one takes time. 

And once I trust the person, I will definitely start expecting. 

Now you tell me. Will you ever expect from a person whom you don't trust at all? And expecting is not just limited to remembering to wish on birthdays. It is a big word...a very big word.

I know I may be doing a crime by expecting from my loved ones. But you know what? 

I don't feel guilty at all!!!

I will be back with my new post soon..

Take Care 

Monday 4 May 2015

Introspecting Oneself

Hello Readers! How are you all?

Today I got to know something about which I was completely unaware. After hearing about it I realised that this is actually very closely related to me

Schizophrenia - a mental condition often characterised by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real.
This is the first line of the definition given by Wikipedia. Before you read further about this and make any speculations about me, let me tell you everything.

From the time I got admitted in class 5th, I was a sensitive child. You know...feeling bad about small things, complaining a lot to my teachers about my friends. They used to tease me, sometimes a lot. For them they considered this as a common fun which happens between friends. But for me..I took most of them to my heart.

Then, I started feeling alone many a times. My parents use to motivate me and explain me in their tender ways so that my mind can forget these emotional turmoils and learn to be always happy.

But, then those thoughts and those incidents which made me feel low kept on happening. History repeated itself almost everyday. These feelings started becoming unavoidable.

But finally, by the time I completed my high school I started getting rid off these sentiments. My heart started getting refueled with the confidence which had been lost for quite a long period. Thanks to my teachers and of course to my parents who kept on consoling me without losing hope.

This is what happens with a Schizophrenic person. This was my case.

Partho Roy, my senior at college told me about this condition because we both had sailed on the same boat. Its just that our timings were different. He suffered from this two years back and has recovered successfully.

Unfortunately, sometimes even now history repeats itself. My mind and my heart still goes back to that same emotional turmoil when people around me make my fun. And then I gather all my courageous confidence and start becoming normal.

I am proud that I also have recovered successfully from that mental state, just like Partho. But still those kind of incidents keep on happening and make me feel low. But then I have come to know about a hard truth of life.

People will keep on making your fun. Whenever you will climb the mountain of success, there will  be some jealous freaks who will try their hardest to pull you back. But you dont have to lose you courageous confidence and keep on climbing.

Remember this fellas!...

I will be back with my new post very soon...

Take Care

Friday 1 May 2015

Ignorance - The Most Common Crime

Hello Readers! How are you all?

This is going to be my first post for this month. So...yayyy!!

If you talk about legal aspects, then the most common crime maybe a theft. But if we consider the behavioral aspects, then the most common crime is ignorance.

We keep on ignoring many things in our life. Its not that every person ignores only the bad. Sometimes we tend to ignore what is good for us. Oh yes! If you apply some pressure on your think tank, you will be able to realise what I want to say.

These good things are having a very wide range, all part of our daily life. We ignore the advice of our parents. We ignore what is being said by our teachers. We ignore certain warnings issued to cetera et cetera. 

Some people believe in ignoring the whole world around them. They don't give a damn to what is happening and are completely lost in their "own world", which they consider to be very different. This sort of feeling is mostly seen among the youngsters. I am not concluding this on the basis on any report, but just because of my personal experiences.

I have seen many people of my age who have this "to hell with the world" attitude. Let me give you a very strong example.

A few days back, a first year newbie of my college lost his life, just because of ignoring what is right. He, along with his four friends, decided to go on a long drive. They left early morning, skipping his classes.

Today many youngsters have become addicted to narcotics, cigarette and alcohol. Those five children had also become a prey of such lethal things. They all had hukkaah in their hand, which resulted into obvious rash driving. Suddenly their car crashed very badly on the highway. All of them were immediately admitted to a nearby hospital.

But unfortunately, the guy whom I mentioned,  lost his life. He was on ventilator for two days but couldn't survive.

See? This accident happened just because of ignorance.

The guy ignored the fact that drinking and smoking is strictly prohibited under law. But still, he was lost in his own free will which lead him losing his life.

I have been trying a lot to think about the reason for developing this habit of ignorance without fear.
Then after some time, it clicked in my mind that one reason can be the "I am always right" attitude.

This though actually provokes us to ignore almost everything, including what is right. This thought also builds up an unwanted negative side of ours. And slowly we start becoming the one which we don't want to become.

So....please don't indulge in this crime of ignoring. Ignore what's bad and absorb what's good for us. And stop thinking that you are always right. Because this leads to overconfidence, which is in fact our biggest enemy.

I will be back with my new post very soon..

Take Care

Wednesday 29 April 2015

I Couldnt Help It

Hello Readers! How are you all?

You know it happens with us all that we plan to do some tasks beforehand, which are very imporatnt to us. But at the end we are notable to do that thing just because we unintentionally get caught somewhere. 

This same thing happened with me yesterday. 

I had planned to meet an old friend of mine. I had actually got him back after a very long time. Things were quite fussy between us. There was a chain of misunderstandings which lead to big miscommuniaction.

This guy had been my batchmate. I am using "had' because he couldnt continue his graduation any more. He was emotionally very disturbed as he had lost his elder brother. 

Another reason was the presence of a filthy female, who was actually responsible for the misunderstanding. She had played a game of emotions and sympathy with both of us. But finally she was kicked out of our lives. 

After lots of phone calls and apologies from both of our ends, we finally decided to meet. 

Unfortunately, I got stucked at my college and couldnt catch up. I was feeling very bad for this. But then he consoled me by saying that "Its okey dude..we will meet up some other day."

I am bit emotional about these little things. And I am glad that all my friends respect this feeling of mine instead of making a fun of it.

Now we both have decided to meet next week. Lets see if all goes well, we will be able to see each other and re-live our friendship again. Just like old times...

I will be back with my new post very soon...

Take Care

Thursday 23 April 2015

The Loss Of Courtsey

Hello Readers! How are you all?

See I told you that I will be back with my posts.

There is a girl in my college who is my batchmate. She is infact the topper and a BIG LIAR. Actually I find it really hard to believe when someone says to me after getting 1st position that "dude, I just study a night before the exam".

I mean don't you find it difficult to accommodate this statement in your mind?

I am very sure that you also must have encountered such situations when people like her come and say the same thing. It feels as if the almighty has blessed them with a special power.

Anyways, let me not drag you somewhere off the topic and get back straight to what I want to say

I was just a normal college routine day. She entered the class and sat on her desk. I just turned back towards her and said "Hi!"

And she said, without replying to my Hi! , "Paurush do you have water?"

I know it may sound very normal to you. But let me tell you that why was this thing ABnormal for me. The reason was that she didn't reply to my Hi!

Yeah Yeah ! I sound very childish but you all expect a normal courteous reply from everyone whom you meet and wish, which I Believe is very natural.

And this has not ha[happened with me for the first time. It happens quite a lot. But still I try to control the birth of my anger and let it go.

I just want to say that PLEASE dont do this to anyone. You should never lose your courtesy and always reply to anyone's greetings. Remember, your behavior is your biggest asset and people remember you just because of your behavior.

What happened with me was a very small act of being rude. But yeah if you continue this practise, you will surely become a prey of someone's anger.

I will be back with my new post very soon..
Take Care
Peace :)

Monday 20 April 2015

My Apologies

Hello Readers! How are you all?

I know there must be question in your mind about which is HOW ARE YOU???

Yeah I know you all must have been thinking where the hell am I? Have I migrated to some other planet ? Or have I got so many girlfriends that I just keep writing to them instead of writing here?

Haha..No nothing of that sort..

Actually I had been very busy. This month was very tiring for me as I was engaged in so many activities which cant be missed.

I had my Mid Semester exams, then I had my practical exams and also I was caught up in initiating many college activities. Oh yeah by the way, I want to share something with all of you.

It gives me immense pleasure to tell you all that I, along with my two college friends, have been selected for volunteering for a big time event, which is The National Film Awards, held in the capital every year.

I am sooooo happy(yeah I know my feelings sound I bit girlish, but cant help it ). I really cant believe that I will be a part of such an event. This is a great opportunity for me to witness which I have always seen on National TV. My happiness leaves me speechless.

And yeah now don't worry at all. Because now I have decided to be a loyal blogger and trust me I will never leave my readers in the middle of the shore.

So for now , I apologize for my disappearance and promise for my continued appearance.

Take Care

Monday 6 April 2015

Its all OUR fault!

The most ignored but highly discussed topic...

Hello readers! How are you all?

Before starting this post, let me tell you something..

Do you know that our Mother Earth is crying?
Oh Yes! Everyday.. every moment. Our own Mother Earth, who brought us on this planet is now crying and screaming in deep agony. She has been requesting us from a very long time for our help to save her.

And do you know who is responsible for her pain? WE!!

We are the one who are constantly destroying our planet's resources. We are the one making this environment suffer, just to fulfil our greedy materialistic needs. We are the one who are destroying our natural resources and bringing this planet closer to annihilation.

If we take a look at the statistics, we will realise (I don't know when we will) that those figures are actually invented by us. We have made those figures to increase day by day. Dont blame the scientists..they are just doing their survey and presenting us the facts.

So now the question is.. What have we done till now? Have we done anything else but doing the opposite?

We talk about saving the environment. We swear oaths to plant more and more trees in the future. We promise ourselves not to pollute the rivers and use water carefully. We make so many promises but forget that they are never to be broken.

But do we all actually end up doing that ?

The answer is a BIG NO!!


Oh come on! Don't refrain from your responsibility towards the planet by giving useless reasons. Yeah right! The reasons are useless because we take out time from our busiest schedule for little stuffs that pleases us. But we never think of spending time with nature, by taking care of it.

So.. don't just make fake promises. Its said its never too late. But I Believe that its is already very late. But this doesn't mean that we will forget this whole idea of saving environment. Lets take a stand.. and help our dear Mother Earth to prosper in a healthy manner.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Can I say something ?

                                      A very hot topic currently discussed in our country ...

All of us are connected online with the help of social media. The boundaries for reaching to somewhere in the world have been fenced off because of social media.

What we know about social media is a digital platform where we can connect with people around the globe and present our thoughts for the whole celluloid.

But is this definition actually proving to be true?? Can we really experience this freedom??

Actually not.

Recently we saw some cases where youngsters(the most active social media population) were literally sent to jail for posting or sharing something about eminent political personalities.

I am sure you must have read about them.

I want ask something to our honourable government. Is it really a CRIME to present our actual thoughts on the net ??

You saw something unfair being done by a big personality. You felt like writing something about it. And finally you end up sleeping in a jail.

Is this called Democracy? Is this called Freedom of Expression?

Let me ask you something. Why don't you ban the Bollywood films with a great level of adult content?

The poster of a film starring a hot actress will be considered to be exciting and end up being highly anticipated to be released on widescreen.
But the poster of a film with an actor standing nude with a stereo will be portrayed as utterly shameful and disgusting.

Thanks to our government who finally woke up and understood the situation. And brought out new changes in the IT ACT SECTION 66A.

I really hope that censorship stays forever in our country..but for the right place and at the right time.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Terrorism - The Global Destruction of Peace

                                      The comments are truly personal and don't pinpoint specifically 
                                                                            to someone...          

Hello readers! How are you all? Yeah I know I have returned back after a long time. But I was helpless as my daily routine caught me very well.

Today I want to talk about what I Believe about this Global Phenomenon of Destruction - Terrorism
I wrote something about this a long time back.

Today I am sharing what I wrote....

 Many social issues have taken birth in our country. But now the whole world is suffering from a disease in the form of a global issue - terrorism.
Terrorism is basically the use of unethical and unsocial means to gain undignified self-respect. The major effect of terrorism is that it is creating a feeling of worthlessness and generating a kind of negative doctrine in the minds of highly qualified personalities. They are made to think that they are the people who have and will be having the least of opportunities just because they have been the participant of doing the crime of being a person belonging to a non supported and different race or religion, which is the major cause of terrorism. So these opportunity seekers use their hatred in the form of violence to bring back their stolen successes.
These kind of destructive activities have inculcated an unquenchable fear in the civilians. This brutality can only be stopped by educating these “HEROIC SINNERS” that their issues can be resolved by a form of debate and discussion, leading to a proper and justified decision without disturbing the countries’ peaceful environment.
So this is what I Believe about Terrorism.
And now I want to know from you all what do you feel.

Take Care